Comparing cloud-based video conferencing tools: Zoom vs Google Meet vs Skype for Business

September 01, 2021

Comparing cloud-based video conferencing tools: Zoom vs Google Meet vs Skype for Business

In today's digital world, video conferencing tools have become an essential aspect of remote work and communication. As more and more people switch to virtual meetings, we have to compare the most popular tools to see which one will work best for our personal or business needs. In this blog post, we compare three of the most widely used cloud-based video conferencing tools: Zoom, Google Meet, and Skype for Business.

User Interface

When it comes to user interface, all three tools are quite different. Zoom has a user-friendly and intuitive interface, making it easy for users to schedule or join a meeting, screen share, and chat. Google Meet, on the other hand, has a simple, clutter-free interface that is easy to navigate. Skype for Business, while still offering a user-friendly interface, can be a bit overwhelming for new users.

Winner: Tie between Zoom and Google Meet, depending on user preference.

Video Quality

The video quality of a video conferencing tool is crucial, particularly in environments with low bandwidth. Zoom and Google Meet both have excellent video quality, and users can adjust the video settings based on their network bandwidth. With Skype for Business, users may experience a slight dip in video quality, mainly if their internet connection isn't strong enough.

Winner: Tie between Zoom and Google Meet.


Security and privacy are top concerns when using any cloud-based tool. Zoom and Google Meet are both end-to-end encrypted, ensuring the highest level of security. However, Skype for Business is not encrypted but does offer some security features, such as a secure login process and data encryption during transmission.

Winner: Zoom and Google Meet.


Zoom offers a free plan with limited features, while Google Meet and Skype for Business require a subscription. Google Meet comes with a Google Workspace subscription, which costs $6/month per user or $18/month per user for enterprise plans. Skype for Business's pricing starts at $2/month per user for the basic plan, with enterprise plans costing $35/month per user.

Winner: Zoom for its free plan.

Meeting Capacity

Zoom offers meetings for up to 100 participants with the free plan and up to 1,000 participants with the enterprise plan. Google Meet can host up to 100 participants with the essential plan and up to 250 participants with enterprise plans. Skype for Business can host up to 250 participants and 10,000 viewers for webinars.

Winner: Zoom for its higher meeting capacity.


Zoom has numerous integrations with third-party applications, such as Slack, Salesforce, and Dropbox. Google Meet comes with a Google Workspace subscription, granting access to other Google apps such as Google Docs and Google Drive. Skype for Business integrates with Microsoft Office, making it an excellent choice for businesses that already use Microsoft products.

Winner: Depends on the users' integration needs.


In conclusion, all three options have their advantages and disadvantages. For smaller businesses or remote workers, the free version of Zoom is an excellent choice thanks to its user-friendly interface and high meeting capacity. For businesses that already use Google Workspace, using Google Meet as a video conferencing tool is a no-brainer. Finally, for businesses that rely heavily on Microsoft products, Skype for Business is the natural choice.

Whether selecting Zoom, Google Meet, or Skype for Business, it is crucial to use the tool that suits your needs best. Consider factors such as pricing, integrations, meeting capacity, security, and video quality before making your final decision.


  1. "Zoom vs. Google Meet vs. Skype for Business: Which Is Best for Your Company?" source
  2. "Zoom vs Google Meet vs Skype: Best video conferencing solutions for remote working in 2021" source

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